Friday, December 16, 2011

Sparrow- A series, Part II

Sparrow has lived a vibrant 23 weeks on Earth. Almost six months. A 46th of her father's life. {We did the math last night, after much numerical debate.}

Yes, she's got eyes of the bluest skies. Also, of the greenest forest. And...of the most bountiful lavender field.

I never thought I'd be that mom who boasts about her child, or puts her before nearly everything. I confess, I am that mother. {Prayerfully, I ne'er place her before the Creator and my husband.} If I ever agitate any of my dear friends with all the talk of my sweet child, I am not sorry. I do not regret gushing over the miracle God bestowed in our life. Ergo, I have another sprinkling of raving to do.

She is perfectly healthy, 'premature' and all. I have prayed for the past five years for children, and for them to be perfectly healthy children. Not for my sake, but for their own; to the Glory of God. Coincidence that Sparrow has not a single health issue? I profess not.

She is amazingly smart, 'premature' and all. This is where I probably perturb a certain few. She is smart. Spend 5 minutes with her, and you will more than likely catch a tiny glimpse of her concentration, motor skills, physical strength, focused eyes, and sense of humor. Coincidence that she is above-average smart? Most definitely not. Why?

I hope not to offend anyone in this next statement. I chose not to use prenatal vitamins while pregnant with my sweet babe. God was in complete control through the whole pregnancy, more than I can fathom. He still is, and always will be. Did I test God? Not since it was a direct call for me to trust Him. I did, and my Savior has blessed us abundantly. My words are not enough.

My heart has been overflowing with joy in the growing awareness of her health and beautiful life. To God be all Glory, forever and ever.

Sweet child of mine.